Kaine wants ringers

Or, more precisely, phone bankers…people who, according to an email from Mr. Kaine’s campaign, are essential in “…help[ing] identify and turn out voters who will support candidates committed to the ideals that Governor Kaine worked for while in office.”

But I don’t believe the script they will read from will include items from Kaine’s parting gift to the commonwealth…the most eye-popping of which was a proposed return of the dreaded car tax (or, if localities couldn’t bring themselves to do that, a higher income tax).

What will inspire these dialers for Democrats is a firm desire to keep the tea party from turning over all the cuspidors in the Senate:

…we need to protect the slim Democratic majority in the State Senate. It is the only thing standing in the way of the Tea Party’s extreme right-wing agenda. We need to maintain control of the State Senate to prevent them from decimating education, laying off state workers and slashing key safety net programs in the Commonwealth’s budget.

You will ruin your eyes looking for the tea party line on the November ballot. But with a little bit of work, your tired eyes will be able to find that, in his final budget, Mr. Kaine proposed further budget cuts — in K-12 education, higher education, VDOT, public safety and more.

Budget cuts and tax increases. Tim Kaine was practically a one-man austerity program (Euro version).

But that won’t be in the phone bank script either.

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