Sen. John Miller – Creating jobs – for himself

I thought it was bad when Sen. John Miller took a job from a company for whom he co-sponsored a big tax break. He claims the two facts are completely unrelated.

But his defense of his hiring is even worse. According to the Daily Press:

“he and (Orion CEO Scott)Terry met for lunch on May 31 because Terry wanted to talk about ways to get more involved in Democratic politics. During that lunch, Terry mentioned that his company had an opening for a community relations position, Miller said.”


The head of Orion wants to get more involved in Democratic politics, and just happens to offer a job to a State Senator. And that’s their defense?

Could it have gone like this?

Terry: I’d sure like to get more involved in Democratic politics. Sure, Sen. Norment won’t like it, but we don’t have to tell him.

Miller: I don’t know. I don’t get very involved in politics. I wasn’t even involved in passing your tax break. I just cosponsored it. Understand?

Terry: I understand. But I really would like to learn more about what you do.

Miller: So would I. But I have this job at the Boys and Girls Club and I’m fully committed to helping the children.

Terry: Oh. We do just happen to have an opening. It’s called Director of Community something or other. Pays pretty good.

Miller: I’ll take it.

Congratulations. John Miller – working to create jobs! At least one, anyway.

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