Puller Politicizes Public Schools

Last week, a political staff member working for Senator Toddy Puller sent an email trying to set up meetings with teachers regarding public school funding.

Here is her email:

Toddy Puller, the State Senator for most of Prince William County is
reaching out to school in hopes of meeting with teachers to talk about
education and the importance of funding our future. My name is Megan and I’m
the regional field director for Prince William County. I would love the
chance to meet with you one-on-one to talk about Toddy Puller. I am very
interested in talking to students about local government and emphasizing
its importance. I know that you all are very busy and have a strict curriculum
but I do think it could be beneficial. Please let me know if there is a
time I could come into the school to talk to you more about the State Senator
(preferably before school starts).

Megan Fitzgerald
Toddy Puller for Senate

Let’s leave aside the fact that it’s not entirely clear in Ms. Fitzgerald’s email whether she would be meeting with the teachers herself or whether she is merely seeking to set up the meetings for Sen. Puller. Three facts then remain: (1) Sen. Puller’s political operative, working in that capacity, is trying to meet with teachers regarding a legislative issue (school funding) and to (2) “talk about Toddy Puller.” (3)She wants to do this on the public school premises.

It is appropriate for a political staff member to set up a meet and greet for public employees on private property. It is appropriate for a legislative staff member to set up a meeting to discuss educational issues. But in what universe is the above solicitation appropriate?

Puller has already reported receiving a $1,000 donation from the Virginia Education Association this year, and another $450 from Fairfax County Public School employees. Does she also need donations from Prince William County teachers that badly?

Puller’s Republican challenger, former delegate Jeff Frederick, responded to the Puller campaign’s email:

“If the Senator Puller would like to engage teachers and students in the democratic process, then we should debate the issues at every high school in the district. However, clandestine political campaigning has no place in our public schools, and funding for our public schools should never be used as leverage with teachers.”

As Crystal Clear Conservative and several other bloggers have noted, this reeks of conflict of interest.

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