Leave the country – stay in office

A Virginia Beach School Board member got a job in Saudi Arabia. So, that means resigning her seat?


Sandra Smith Jones got a job in Saudi Arabia and had submitted her resignation, but changed her mind.

She said her job would allow her to return to Virginia Beach for a few weeks every couple months, Edwards said, and she told him she planned to be back in town for November’s board meeting. (Virginian-Pilot)

This is insane!!!! An elected official who will be living on the other side of the planet but will visit from time to time to make a meeting every 3 or 4 months?

Board member Carolyn Weems called it “a mockery” and “an insult to voters.”

“How is Sandra going to be at the meetings?,” Weems said. “She’s not. How is she going to vote? She’s not. How is she going to go on school visits? She’s not. This is a joke.”

Some School Board members like the idea of elected officials serving from 7,000 miles away.

Brent McKenzie and member Todd Davidson said they supported Smith-Jones’ decision to finish her term while overseas.

There’s a campaign issue for 2012. Tell the voters you support their elected officials living in another country while you pay them.

Smith-Jones reportedly suggested allowing her to attend meetings via video conference. Saudi Arabia is located in a time zone seven hours ahead of Virginia Beach.

Of the proposed arrangement, (School Board Chairman Dan) Edwards said, “I don’t know if it’s legal, but I know it’s dysfunctional.”

Dysfunctional indeed, of both Smith-Jones and two supporters on the School Board.

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