On the air with Mark Obenshain and George Allen

On this rain-soaked, aftershocked, wind-driven, podcast edition of “The Score” radio show…

Scott Lee and Sen. Mark Obenshain have one of those discussions that political junkies live for on the issues, and the stakes, surrounding this November’s General Assembly elections. Of particular interest is the state Senate, the last redoubt of Democratic control in Virginia and the place where, all too often, good ideas that aim to expand freedom are consigned to the dust bin.

Scott also talks with GOP senatorial candidate George Allen. It’s another wide-ranging discussion covering energy production, federal regulation, federalism, jobs, Rick Perry’s entrance into the presidential sweepstakes, what we should look for in a presidential candidate and much, much more.

And Scott and I weave and bob between the primary election results, the return of stagflation, and the higher tax bills on tap for Virginia businesses.

“The Score” can be heard on these broadcast radio stations on online talk networks.

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