DPVA needs a remedial in math regarding job numbers

So the Democrats have been carping about the 14k jobs we “lost” in June.


Unfortunately, they’re outright wrong. We lost 4,454 – which is bad, but it’s not 14,000.

It’s a pretty simple calculation. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and take Jun 2011 employment and subtract May 2011 employment.

Unfortunately, while I think most of us learned subtraction in kindergarten, it appears Democrats are still not quite up to speed. And this is the party that’s supposedly for education?

You can run the numbers yourself here: http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LASST51000003

But check this graph out if you really want to see how Governor Bob McDonnell and chief jobs creation officer, Lieutenant Gov. Bill Bolling are really doing:

Bottom Line: We’ve gained 57k jobs since the governor took office. Our labor force has grown, not contracted.

While the rest of the country has been suffering under the Obama administration, Virginia has been a source of relative stability. While our unemployment rate is still too high – it sure as heck isn’t what the rest of the country is experiencing under the president’s and Congressional Democrats’ failed leadership and policies.

if you look at the whole series of job growth during the governor’s administration, we’ve gained jobs 14 of the 19 months he’s been in office. Unemployment is down and employment is up.

So, in short, Democrats can’t do math, and the Governor is doing a good job at creating jobs.

No one said you needed to do math to spew uneducated and unprincipled propaganda from East Franklin St. But they certainly could use a remedial course.

Geez, you’d think they’d be happy that Virginia employment is doing so well…oh, maybe they’re just concerned about the lack of Democrats out of work from elected office.

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