Democrats seem to have forgotten Kaine in 2007-08: Cheerleader-in-Chief & potential VP pick

Earlier this week Governor Bob McDonnell expressed that he would be “very interested” in becoming vice president, should he be offered the position by the eventual presidential nominee.

Apparently this statement has rustled Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Virginia David Mills from his summer snooze (given the lack of Democratic candidates running for the state legislature, it’s understandable he’s been nodding off). Mills apparently has a problem with Virginia being part of the national discussion:

“Virginia lost more than 14,000 jobs in the month of June alone, but Bob McDonnell seems much more focused on applying for his own next job than he is on helping working Virginia families,” said Mills in a recent screed from the DPVA (I read them so you don’t have to).

Forgive the fact that Mills is cherry-picking job statistics, that the entire country has been in a downward spiral due to the failed policies of the Obama administration, and that McDonnell and General Assembly Republicans have been fighting that trend here in Virginia.

How quickly Mills forgets that someone else spent two years on Virginia taxpayers’ dime campaigning for President Obama and was in “very serious talks” with the president about becoming VP.

At the time, I don’t recall the DPVA caring very much.

Of course, at the time, Virginia didn’t have a conservative as majority leader and a potential conservative being the next vice president.

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