Bill Janis – Indie Run for Henrico CA

Bill Janis (HOD, 56th district) will run for Henrico Commonwealth’s Attorney as an Independent, Bearing Drift has learned from several reliable sources. The GOP candidate, Matt Geary, has come under heavy fire from the GOP, after he has admitted to certain issues with his behavior but has said he will continue to run.

Ryan Nobles has been covering this race / soap-opera and has some of the details here: .

What jumps out, was this little bit of reporting:

And as he looks forward to another 3 months of scrutiny, Geary would not guarantee that there is nothing else from his past that could haunt his campaign again, but did say he wasn’t worried about any future revelation.

“The issue is, am I the person that is most qualified to be Henrico County Commonwealth’s Attorney? and if you look at my record… I think I am the person to be the Henrico Commonwealth’s Attorney.”

So, is Greary now saying there are possibly more women or other issue(s)? But from him and his supporters: “But he’s so qualified, he’s the guy to run!”

Sorry to be so blunt here, but behavior this bad from someone in public office, or running for office, opens the door for possible extortion attempts. Candidates are never perfect people. But some failings are just personal, and others open the door for greater harm.

As for the Henrico GOP Committee, apparently their Plan A was, “We pressure Geary, and he drops out.” What was their Plan B in case Geary decided to pull a Clinton: “I’m a rascal, but I’m just that good that you should ignore my transgressions?” Which he has apparently done. The state party plan means the Committee cannot endorse a non-GOP candidate, however, looks like there will be one.

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