Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli?

Ken Cuccinelli has been Virginia’s attorney general for just over a year and a half: conservatives cannot find enough superlatives and the far left cannot find enough invectives to describe his term so far.

So far, speculation surrounding Cuccinelli’s political future has focused on the U.S. Senate and the Governorship, but perhaps he has his eye on another post.

For the second time in the past few days, I have heard Cuccinelli’s name mentioned in association with the nation’s top legal job. Commenting to Virginia Statehouse News, Cuccinelli said that it would be “just spectacular” if he were asked to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

Imagine having an Attorney General who understands the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution… Who is more interest in protecting civil liberties than violating them… Wouldn’t that be “just spectacular” for freedom loving Americans?

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