On the air with Ken Cuccinelli, Iain Murrary and David Boaz

On this post-S&P downgrade edition of “The Score” radio show

Scott Lee talks with Iain Murry, Vice President of the Competitive Enterprise Institute about his new book, “Stealing You Blind“. It’s a timely interview, as Mr. Murray’s book discusses the many, growing number of ways in which the political class is enriching itself at taxpayers’ expense. Gerry Connolly’s 11th congressional district comes in for special scrutiny.

Also on the show is Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who talks us through his concerns regarding the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Obamacare. The health care law’s challengers lost their court case, in what was a strange, divided ruling. But the AG’s concerns aren’t just limited to the judges’ opinion. Plus, Scott and Ken discuss what qualities we should all be looking for in a presidential candidate (hint: he urges folks to ‘keep their powder dry”).

Rounding out the interviews, Scott talks with the Cato Institute’s David Boaz about the recent debt ceiling debate and whether the nation’s fiscal course has been noticeably changed. while David notes that the debate itself was quite useful, Uncle Sam still intends to spend far more than he takes in each year. Again, quite timely considering the S&P move on the debt rating late Friday. Plus, a bonus discussion on the proper role of government!

“The Score” can be heard on these broadcast radio stations and internet talk networks.

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