The Most Popular Man in Virginia

After weeks of heavy news from Washington, here’s something a little lighter.

Bob McDonnell might be one of the nation’s most popular governors (not an easy feat in a time of high unemployment, sluggish economic growth and tough budgetary decisions), but he is not the most popular man in Virginia.  That honor goes to…Frank Beamer:

…Frank Beamer, coach of the Virginia Tech football team, has an approval rating that dwarfs McDonnell’s and [Sen. Mark] Warner’s. Beamer has an approval rating that money, campaign promises and appearances on Fox or MSNBC can’t buy.

Beamer checks in with a 70 percent approval rating from those who answered as Tech fans in the survey.

This poll, conducted between July 21st and 24th by the left-leaning PPP, is timely as the Hokies begin fall practice today in Blacksburg.

Just for schadenfreude, the University of Virginia’s head football coach Mike London enjoys only a 39 percent approval rating.  A win against Virginia Tech this November may or may not improve his standing with Virginians considering that PPP discovered Hokies outnumber Wahoos 32-21.

Even though this is intended to be a fun post, since Bearing Drift is a political blog–and one of the nation’s best at that–I would be remiss if I didn’t ask the political question: when Frank Beamer’s contract expires in 2016 (assuming he doesn’t decide to stay on for a 31st season), might he be interested in parlaying his statewide popularity into a run for public office?  If so, he wouldn’t be the first coach of an FBS program to make that transition.

Honestly, anyone who has the adroitness to maintain détente between Hokie fans and offensive coordinator Bryan Stinespring for as long as Beamer has, probably possesses some transferable skills that would be useful in Washington or Richmond!

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