Biden Dropout Watch: Day 1

Face it, it’s coming. Joe Biden has proven himself to be enough of an embarassment to the Obama Administration. We suspect before next year’s primary process is in full swing, Biden will step down “for personal reasons.”

But the real reasons will be that he’s a continued embarassment. Consider this week alone:

First there were his comments earlier this week when he said that Tea Party members “acted like terrorists.” He’s denied that of course. Not unlike denying the plagiarism charges of his past.

But last night was a doozy, even for Biden.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords returned to Congress last night for the first time since she was shot in the head on January 8 during a constituent event in Tuscon. She has by all accounts made a markable recovery, and yet still has a ways to go. Rep. Giffords last night cast her vote in favor of the deal.

But Biden? What did he say when he saw her?

He tells The Boston Globe. “Now we’re both member of the Cracked Head Club.”

Tasteless. Classless. Absolutely unreal, unless you’re Joe Biden.

We’re just counting down the days to when Biden crosses whatever invisible qualifying line Obama may have drawn. Actually we think he probably crossed it months ago and is just doing his time in some sort of political purgatory.

So, watch here for the next Biden gaffe. You know it’s coming.

And watch for the announcement that Biden won’t be on the 2012 ticket.

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