RNC targets Virginia with recent ad buy

Think Virginia isn’t a battleground in 2012? Think again.

While tourists recalling the sesquicentennial of the “War Between the States” (aka, “Civil War” and “War of Northern Aggression”) might be thinking about Hampton Roads (battle of the ironclads), the peninsula campaign, the Seven Days’ siege at Richmond, and the battle of Fredericksburg, us political types are ready for the modern day political debate to manifest itself right here in the Commonwealth.

With President Barack Obama desperate for Virginia’s 13 electoral votes (votes he was the first Democrat beneficiary of since 1964) – and his campaigner-in-chief, Tim Kaine, the presumptive Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate – we’re sure to see some metaphorical fireworks lobbed in this increasingly vital bellwether state (after all, that is our birthright).

Sure enough, the Republican National Committee, in the middle of a scorching hot summer, has launched its first salvo.

“This ad campaign…culminates with our final ad that begins airing today in Virginia and other states across the country,” said RNC Political Director Rick Wiley. “The other 5 states that were up today are Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. Now all six of these states represent victories for Barack Obama in 2008 and they also are states that President Bush carried in 2004.”

So, it’s no surprise the RNC has delved into this environment, especially when Obama shows a disapproval of 48-47% – down from an approval of 51-44 a few months ago.

Take a peak at the RNC’s “Change Direction” ads by visiting their YouTube page.

Here’s the fourth ad in the series – and, if you’re a parent, you’re going to pause and think:

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