Munoz Calls on Connolly, DPVA to Oppose Debt Ceiling Increases

Tea Party challenger and 36th Virginia Senate candidate Tito Munoz has a national profile, and I am so very glad to see him put pressure on lesser forms of political quality… forms such as socialist Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly:

“The McConnell ‘plan,’ if you can call it that, simply makes it easier for the federal government to borrow more and spend more. It puts the ball in Barack Obama’s court and relies on him to make spending cuts that we know will never happen. Senator McConnell’s idea is neither a plan, nor is it anything but a recipe for more of the same we have seen from Washington, DC. I am severely disappointed in Sen. McConnell.

“It is my hope that our Virginia Congressional delegation will stand firm against raising the debt ceiling at a time when our nation faces a financial situation as dire as this.

“I call on my own Congressman, Gerry Connolly, to refuse to plunge this country further into debt than it already is. I further call on state Sen. Toddy Puller to do her duty to her constituents and work with her friends in the Democratic Party and elsewhere to help us in this fight against debt saddled on future generations.

“This is a time to put aside party. This is a time to decide what is right for America.”

Every Republican state candidate ought to be ringing the same bell, putting pressure on their Virginia delegations in their districts to do the right thing.

If this is how Tito leads as a candidate, can you imagine how he’ll lead as a State Senator?  I continue to be impressed — and hope such conservative leadership is not lost on the folks in Prince William County.

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