McDonnell, governors oppose EPA forcing Detroit into higher fuel efficiency standards

Here we go again. The Environmental Protection Agency and its renegade, unelected administrator, Lisa Jackson, wants to force automobile manufacturers to comply with new Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency standards of nearly 60 mpg.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that such a proposal was met with a stunning proposal from GM’s CEO to raise the gas tax instead by a $1 – effectively forcing the consumer to buy more fuel efficient cars.

Easy for him to say.

But this equally absurd proposal by the EPA will force manufacturers to produce these more expensive cars. Guess who still gets to pay the extra $3500 per vehicle (by conservative estimates)?

Thankfully, we still have governors like Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia and Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan and 13 others who are standing-up to these arbitrary proposals meant to hurt the consumer, the auto industry, and the American worker.

They’ve sent a letter to the administration in opposition to the plan.

This is starting to get ridiculous that these unelected bureaucrats have so much arbitrary and unchecked power. Where’s Congress?

As if Detroit hasn’t suffered enough.

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