Why is a Republican touting his work for a Democrat in a Republican primary?

Rick Morris and Joseph Waymack have announced their intentions to seek the GOP nomination in the newly drawn 64th District of the House of Delegates in their effort to defeat ten-term incumbent Del. Bill Barlow, a Democrat.

The district, which is one of my favorite parts of Virginia and Hampton Roads, is composed of parts of Suffolk and Franklin Cities and parts of Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry, Sussex and Prince George Counties.

However, when you look at Morris and Waymack, you might wonder whether or not Waymack entered the wrong primary.

Here’s a bit about Morris from his campaign announcement:

I retired from the U.S. Navy in 2010 after 22 years of service, 12 years enlisted and 10 years as a commissioned officer. Upon returning from my tour of duty in Iraq, I re-established the Isle of Wight County Republican Party and assisted with the re-organization of the Surry and Franklin/Southampton Republican Parties. I am the former Chairman of the Isle of Wight Republican Committee. I retired from the Navy in 2010 and opened a small law practice with my partner. I’m a member of the National Republican Lawyer’s Association, a life member of the NRA, a life member of the VFW, a life member of the American Legion, a member of the Isle of Wight County Citizen’s Association, and am the Treasurer and Finance Director the Southeastern Hampton Roads CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocate), which is an organization that represents abused and neglected children in court.

As a veteran, I am a strong believer in public service. As your Delegate I promise to be a citizen legislator who will support our founding principles and values and will fight for a small, efficient, and frugal government. I am pro-life, I believe all life is precious – the born and the unborn. I am a strong advocate in protecting our 2nd amendment rights and our individual liberties and property rights. I will fight to keep government from hindering business and job growth and I believe businesses create jobs – not the government. I’m running because I believe that governments – at all levels – are becoming far too intrusive, are spending too much money, and are not acting efficiently.

I am the candidate who will defeat Bill Barlow in November. My conservative values will be heard all throughout the district. I will expose Bill Barlow for who he is: a liberal who supports tax and spending increases, who does not support the right to life, who consistently votes against 2nd amendment rights, and who does not hold the values of this conservative district.

Note that Morris is direct about being a Republican, why he’s a Republican, what Republican organizations he has built and belong to in the community, and what conservative values he intends to fight for as the next delegate from the 64th.

Waymack had to take a substantial part of his announcement to validate his Republican bona fides and explain why he consulted against a Republican for a Democrat:

In 2007, I opened a political consulting and business marketing firm and have worked with numerous businesses and candidates of both political parties and many independents particularly in local races. One of those clients was Councilman Steve Heretick, a democrat (sic), who challenged Sen. Quayle in 2007. I was hired by Mr. Heretick to run his political operations in Prince George County. He hired me because he knew I was a republican and this was my home county. The Heretick family and my family go back generations. I had known and supported Sen. Quayle in the past (1999 and 2003). However, while this was a business deal, I am not the type of person who will sell out my principles for money. The truth is on key issues that are dear to my heart, I felt Mr. Heretick was move conservative than Sen. Quayle. On guns, immigration, and taxation and spending, Heretick was to the right of Sen. Quayle. I realize this will be twisted and used against me, but I stand by what I did….The fact is I am respected by Democrats and Independents as well as Republicans and will attract significant support from all spectrums.

Waymack goes on to diminish Morris as a candidate by saying he does not have the community roots necessary to win in the district:

The extreme advantage that Delegate Barlow will have over Mr. Morris with deep roots in the community will be a non-issue as my respected family name has been in this area for hundreds of years. It is precisely these hometown roots and hometown values that allowed me to assist Mr. Heretick in winning all but one precinct in Prince George (which consistently vote 65-67% Republican in all other elections).

So, Morris’ 22 years of active duty service to his country counts for nothing, according to Waymack? But Waymack’s history of helping a Democrat almost win an election over a Republican is to be lauded…in a Republican primary?

Uh. Ok.

Morris has already been endorsed by the following unit committee chairs:

Barbara Tabb – Prince George County Republican Committee Chairman
Lori Carlson – Surry County Republican Committee Chairman,
Kenny Truitt – Franklin/Southampton County Committee Chairman,
Steve Trent – Suffolk Republican Committee Chairman, and
Phil Koury – Isle of Wight Republican Committee Chairman.

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