Leave Gabrielle Giffords Alone!

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) 5-17-11 (AP Photo/southwestphotobank.com, P.K. Weis, File)

The efforts by leftists to exploit Gabrielle Giffords are disgraceful.  Some wish to run her for the Senate.  Others wish for her immediate return to Congress so that she can champion a gun control agenda.  And the news media have been covering her every move since she was discharged home from the hospital.

None of these exploitative efforts reflect any consideration for Gabrielle Giffords herself.  This woman was shot in the head and has suffered severe brain damage from which it will take years, if ever, for her to recover.

To the leftists and their news media who seek to exploit this woman for their own selfish ends, I ask one simple question:  Have you no decency?

I have written that leftists will do whatever it takes, regardless of honor and decency, to advance their agenda of forcing as many people into their control as possible.  Their efforts to exploit a brain-damaged victim of a terrible violent crime is the latest example of this truism.

Gabrielle Giffords is not some abstract news story or political opportunity.  She is a flesh-and-blood human being who has suffered a severe and likely permanent brain injury from a horrendously violent crime.  Clearly it is not in her interest to run for higher office, spearhead a political agenda, or be hounded by the news media.  What this woman needs is to be left alone to convalesce.

The leftists and their news media already milked this human tragedy to smear Sarah Palin and other conservatives by blaming them, with no factual basis whatsoever, for the shooting of Ms. Giffords.  Can’t we agree that it is now time for the leftists and their news media to put aside their Machiavellian ambitions and treat the woman herself with some basic human compassion?

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