Barbie is destroying the rainforest

Or at least that’s what the always level-headed people at Greenpeace contend:

Greenpeace on Wednesday accused Mattel, the US maker of Barbie dolls, of contributing to the wanton destruction of carbon-rich Indonesian forests and habitats of endangered species like Sumatran tigers.

The environmental group said packaging used in Barbie and Ken boxes contained timber products from Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), which it described as a “notorious” destroyer of Indonesia’s dwindling natural forests.

“Barbie destroys natural forests and pushes rare species such as tigers to the brink of extinction,” Greenpeace Indonesia forest campaigner Bustar Maitar said.

“Mattel, which makes Barbie, must stop wrapping the world’s most famous toy in rainforest destruction.”

So not only does Barbie promote an unrealistic body image for girls, she’s also an environmental criminal. I suppose that means TreeTop Barbie will be soon be headed to The Hague for interrogation.

(Cross-posted at Score Radio Network)

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