Loyola and Frederick are now running

The Senate announcements keep coming with Ben Loyola and Jeff Frederick announcing that they are now in the race.

Loyola, an immigrant, naval aviator, and successful businessman said in a press release:

“Our nation is economically hurting, and we need strong pro-business representation in government, and especially in the Virginia Senate,” said Loyola. “Governor Bob McDonnell has done an exceptional job leading Virginia through these trying times, and it’s time to send more job creators to the legislature to help lead Virginia to economic growth again.”

As a small business owner, Naval Veteran, husband and father, Ben Loyola understands that free market principles and faith in the free enterprise system are the keys to economic growth, and sees that liberal Democrats like Ralph Northam are roadblocks to Governor McDonnell’s job-creating policies.

“Ralph Northam’s remedy for the economy is more taxes, government-run “Obamacare” and more regulations that are hurting Virginia’s families and killing jobs. He offers obstruction instead of ideas, and the few ideas he has offered have been higher taxes, more spending, and destructive anti-job policies,” said Loyola.

“We need a change in the Virginia Senate now to get our economy growing as it should be.”

Loyola was heartily endorsed by Senate Republican Leader Tommy Norment:

“Ben Loyola’s background as a small business owner, veteran, and common-sense conservative make him a perfect fit for the 6th district,” said Senate Republican Leader Tommy Norment. “Ben would be a great addition to the Senate and would be able to help Governor Bob McDonnell with his priorities of creating jobs, reining in spending, and improving transportation. I look forward to working with Ben in the Senate next year.”

“Having represented the Eastern Shore in the Senate of Virginia for 10 years, I am well acquainted with the Shore, its people, traditions and culture,” added Sen Norment. “I know that Ben Loyola would serve the Shore well.”

Loyola was the tea party-endorsed candidate when he ran for Congress in 2010 against Scott Rigell for the Republican primary and finished second in a crowded field of candidates.

Frederick, the former delegate and ousted chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia said:

I’m happy to report to you, after a lot of thought, discussion, and prayer, we’ve decided to run for the Senate of Virginia.

“We’ve?” He continues:

But, I’m not in it for the money ($18k a year), the title, the digs, some degree of perceived power, or people making me feel important. I am running to serve the people of eastern Prince William, Fairfax, and Stafford and to change politics as usual in Richmond. There’s too much polarization; too much partisanship; and not enough principled people going down there who are focused on the people that they represent — working hard day in and day out to make our communities, commonwealth and country a better place to live, work, and raise a family. We need leaders in Richmond who aren’t afraid to shake up and stand up to the status quo and keep people of any political party accountable.

Citizens of the 36th Senate District aren’t unlike most folks. They work hard. They pay their taxes. They strive to build a better future for themselves and their families. Whether it is someone who was born and raised in Virginia like me or someone who came from a foreign land to seek the American dream and integrate as a naturalized citizen, like my Colombian mother — and everyone in between — our best days are still ahead.

Yet, the career politicians in Richmond have made a mess of our economy and have put future generations at risk. Sure, they talk about creating jobs, but in reality they vote time and time again for job-killing tax hikes, new regulations, and more wasteful government programs.

I’ve opposed all attempts to grow government and tax you more, and I will continue to do so. You know better how to spend your money than government does. My record is clear and needs no election-year makeover. I never forget who I work for and always keep my promises. You might not always agree with me 100% of the time, but you’ll always know where I stand and I’ll always welcome your thoughts and ideas.

Frederick is likely to face Tito Munoz in a Republican primary.

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