Blevins, Cosgrove, and Knight announce their campaign for re-election

Citing a need for continued fiscal responsibility in Richmond, Senator Harry Blevins and Delegates John Cosgrove and Barry Knight announced their intent to run for re-election in front of an overflowing crowd at the Fraternal Order of Police off of Battlefield Blvd. in Chesapeake Tuesday.

Blevins, the popular former high school principal and industrial science teacher, has served in the General Assembly since the late 1990’s – first as a Delegate and then elected as Senator in 2001. Cosgrove formerly was vice mayor of Chesapeake before he was elected to Blevins’ seat, also in 2001. Knight, who owns one of the largest hog farms in the state – which he started from scratch – was elected in January 2009. Because of redistricting, Knight’s 81st District now has 44% of Chesapeake.

“Our goal is to make decisions that allow you to keep more of your money so that you can make decisions about how it’s spent,” said Cosgrove. “Whether it’s reforming the Southeastern Public Service Authority or Hampton Roads Transit, we’re looking at ensuring government is managed efficiently – only spending what it needs – so that you can have more for your needs.”

Currently none of the candidates faces a challenger. Given the level of enthusiasm and support that was exhibited by the more than 200 constituents packed into the FOP, it should probably stay that way.

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