On the air with E.W. Jackson and Tim Donner

On this podcast edition of “The Score” radio show, we’re joined by E.W. Jackson, a candidate for the GOP Senate nomination in Virginia and a long-time favorite of the commonwealth’s tea party supporters. Mr. Jackson is also one of the state’s more well-known social conservative activists. Is he the candidate who can bring the two wings together under one banner?

Also joining Scott Lee on the show is another of the GOP contenders, Tim Donner. He’s never held elected office, but is a familiar face to many in conservative public policy circles. His message is steeped in the tea party, but it’s clear from the interview that Donner’s concerns with the nation’s fiscal course predate the tea parties. To this writer, he remains one of the more intriguing candidates in the race.

And no episode of “The Score” is complete without Bearing Drift’s own Jim Hoeft and “The Two Minute Drill.”

“The Score” radio show can be heard on these broadcast stations and internet talk radio networks.

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