Randy Forbes Calls Out Obama For Taking “Victory Lap”

Rep. Randy Forbes today went to CIA Headquarters to review the pictures related to the death of Osama bin Laden.  Afterwards, he issued a press release stating that he has no doubt that bin Laden is dead and that he respected President Obama’s decision not to publicly release the photos.  But he also called out President Obama for politicizing this historic event.

Here is the complete text of the press release with the key sentence in bold:

Early this morning, I travelled to CIA headquarters and was afforded an opportunity to view the photos related to the death of Osama Bin Laden.  After viewing the photos, I am convinced that they are valid and that Osama Bin Laden has been killed.  Furthermore, as Chairman of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee, I cannot waste any time doing a victory lap, but rather must focus my attention on the battles ahead that our nation faces. I believe that far too much information about this operation has already been disseminated and that such dissemination could put at risk those men and women who defend our freedom as well as those who will do so in the future.  Accordingly, I respect the President’s decision not to release the photos.

Thank you, Congressman Forbes, for having the courage to say publicly what so many of us have been saying around the water cooler.

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