Virginian-Pilot: Too much oil or not enough?

I wish the Editorial Board at the Virginian-Pilot would make up their minds. In their latest whinefest about why we shouldn’t drill for oil (bet their “chief” uses more than his fair share cruising in from his Suffolk digs to downtown Norfolk every day), they simultaneously argue that drilling off the coast will give us lots of oil and hardly any at all.

I wonder sometimes if they have a dartboard of looney leftist topics to write about, walk in the office, pick up a dart and throw. Seems they hit these same issues over and over in a pretty steady rotation.

Whine Number One – Not Enough Oil

Government and private-sector economists alike have noted for more than 30 years that the United States doesn’t have enough oil to affect the global market.

Whine Number Two – So much Oil it could ruin the coastline!

If you can’t remember last year’s massive oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico or you don’t worry about a repeat – or you believe the best way to negotiate is to surrender – then members of Congress have a deal for you.

So, which is it?

Does Virginia have Gulf-like levels of oil offshore or doesn’t it?

The lames at the Pilot cannot simultaneously argue that there is and there isn’t oil off our shores.

Well, they can, in their own paper. But they risk their stupidity being called out by me.


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