RPV Prepares Records-Release Request for Tim Kaine

As former governor Tim Kaine travels the Commonwealth talking to voters while launching his campaign for Virginia’s soon-to-be open U.S. Senate, he is encountering questions about some of the most ill-advised decisions that he made during his tenure as governor–particularly his decision to transfer convicted double murderer Jens Soering to Soerings’ native Germany.  Although Kaine has stated that he has “no regrets” about these decisions and “welcomes questions on any part of his record,” he has not yet released internal documents on his decision in the Soering case.

After some reflection, the Republican Party of Virginia believes it understands why: Tim Kaine is just too busy to fill out the necessary paperwork!

We recognize you are busy campaigning around Virginia and may be preoccupied explaining your support for a major tax increase as Governor and not have time to write the requisite release forms.

Never fear, Virginia: in a letter to the former governor, the ever-helpful RPV Chairman Pat Mullins lets Kaine know that his team has taken the time to prepare the necessary paperwork for him.  All that’s needed for the Commonwealth to finally know why Kaine thought it was a good idea to return Soering to Germany where he might only serve an additional two years in prison for the brutal murder of a couple in Bedford County is Kaine’s signature:

We know Tim Kaine is busy with is race for the U.S. Senate. So in the spirit of cooperation, RPV has taken the liberty of preparing a records release request for the former governor.

All Tim Kaine has to do is sign it, put it in the mail, and Virginians will be able to learn much more about just how and why Kaine decided to let a man convicted of killing two people in cold blood return to his home country for possible early release.

A candidate as committed to open government and discussing his record as Tim Kaine couldn’t possibly be too busy to sign a pre-written document, could he?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Maybe one this issue is settled, we can return to talking about the issues that Kaine says he really wants to focus on: creating jobs and restoring fiscal sanity–the very issues that have worsened under his former boss, whom he cheered on every step of the way.

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