Kaine to attend fundraiser hosted by Hollywood moonbat Grahn

Wes Hester of the Richmond Times-Dispatch “Virginia Politics” blog reports yesterday that former part-time Virginia governor and full-time Obama sycophant Tim Kaine is heading to Hollywood for a fundraiser, this time with actress Nancy Lee Grahn.

Grahn, the RTD relays, is an advocate for same-sex marriage. Also, according to her website, she founded an organization dedicated to abortion rights and has hosted a rally for the 2000 Democratic presidential ticket.

Also, Grahn reacted a bit negatively to bin Laden’s death.

She tweeted in reference to the death this “quote” by Martin Luther King, Jr:

“I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.”

Of course, this quote is not by MLK – and when she was confronted with this fact, she still said that she thought it was a good quote.

So, by fundraising with Grahn, does Chairman Kaine also accept that Virginia should have same-sex marriage, abortion-on-demand, and that the death of Osama bin Laden is not something to be happy about?

Why not have the fundraiser with Grahn here in Virginia, Chairman Kaine?

Just wondering.

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