DEA will be holding a “Take Back” Day in Northern Virginia

With prescription drug abuse on the rise in Fairfax County and across the nation, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be holding a “Take Back” initiative, encouraging residents to bring their expired prescriptions for proper disposal.  There are various sites throughout Northern Virginia.  These sites include:  Vienna Police Department, NOVA Community College-Annandale Campus, and the Virginia State Police Headquarters in Fairfax.  There are also several sites in Loudoun County, Winchester, and Manassas.

The recent statistics of prescription drug abuse, especially among teenagers, are quite alarming.  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), prescription drug abuse is growing, not just with the teenagers, but among those in the 35-44 age range.

Since 1999, abuse, misuse, and overdose  and Prevention (CDC) conducted interviews of prescription drugs have significantly  with SHOs and other senior leaders in nine increased. Each year more than 20,000  states. This report outlines the knowledge, persons in the United States die from drug  perceptions, partnerships, recommendations, overdose. Those with the highest rates are  policies, and other issues that are fundamental adults ages 35–44 and persons living in the  to understanding and responding to drug South and West regions of this country.

With these statistics and recent reports of prescription drug abuse, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), who chairs the House Appropriations Committee that funds the DEA said that this initiative will make the community more aware about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

“Expired or unwanted prescription drugs in our medicine cabinets at home are often the starting point for kids who become addicted to Vicodin, Oxycontin, and other pain medications,” Wolf said. “The DEA’s ‘take-back’ initiative is an immediate step we can take to rid our homes of this risk and educate our kids about the proper use of prescription drugs.”

Wolf has been working with constituents, community groups, and local pharmacies, including Leesburg Pharmacy in Loudoun County, to build support for safe drug disposal.

“Many local organizations are to be commended for their efforts to support safe drug disposal and raise awareness of the dangers of improper disposal of controlled substances,” he added. “I encourage everyone across the 10th District to take advantage of this opportunity on April 30.”

For more information about the DEA’s “Take Back” initative, click here.


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