“Rawhide Down” coming to Richmond

Del Quentin Wilber, author of the best-seller, “Rawhide Down“, a look at the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981, will be in Richmond Tuesday to sign copies of his book at:

Fountain Bookstore
630 pm April 12

This chronicle is currently number 4 on the ebook best seller list from the New York Times and is number 7 in hardcover.

Also, here are reviews from the New York Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times.

Bearing Drift’s review will be done shortly, and we will also have a podcast with the author.

“The ninety-six months of Ronald Reagan’s presidency changed the nation and the world,” writes columnist George Will. “Del Quentin Wilber’s gripping account of the ‘near assassination’ of the fortieth president shows how close the country—and the world—came to missing more than ninety-three of those months.”

Don’t miss your chance to get a signed copy of the book that will surely be known as the official moment-by-moment chronicle of a day that changed the course of history.

About “Rawhide Down”:

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was just seventy days into his first term of office when John Hinckley Jr. opened fire outside the Washington Hilton Hotel, wounding the president, the press secretary, a Secret Service agent, and a D.C. police officer. Few people know the truth about how close the president came to dying, and the full story of that day of chaos, terror, and great heroism has been incomplete for thirty years.

Now, for the first time, Del Quentin Wilber, an award-winning reporter for The Washington Post, provides a minute-by-minute account of this day in RAWHIDE DOWN: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan (Henry Holt and Company; on sale: March 15, 2011). Drawing on exclusive new sources and extensive interviews, Wilber tells the electrifying story of the Secret Service agent whose fast reflexes saved the president’s life, the brilliant surgeons who operated on Reagan as he was losing half his blood, and the inner circle of White House officials in charge of managing the crisis. Most especially, Wilber unveils a portrait of the man code-named “Rawhide,” a leader of uncommon grace who inspired affection and awe in everyone who encountered him at this defining moment. Reagan’s presidency was famously well choreographed, but March 30, 1981, was the most unscripted day of Reagan’s life, and his poise and humor in the face of chaos sealed his image in the modern American political firmament.

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