“Pro-choice” is only pro one choice

In my latest column in the Daily Press, I take on the pro-choice crowd that only supports one choice – abortion.

They started noticing that no one was as excited about abortions as they were. A past NARAL president spoke of one of the anniversaries of Roe v. Wade “a time of great celebration.”

Party City is not yet carrying the NARAL Abortion Party theme.

I only hear from these folks about abortion.

But it is the intensity of NARAL’s venom that tips its hand about how pro-choice they really aren’t. Real pro-choice would mean equally strong support for all choices, not just a fevered focus on only one choice.

I searched for “adoption” on the NARAL website, and it brought me to page on emergency contraception.

NARAL is as interested in choice as the old Soviet Union elections.

I offered a new slogan for them: “Defending Dependent Disposibility”

A slogan for us? “Every pro-choicer had a pro-life Mom!”

Read the whole column here.

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