Your Daily Bracket: Richmond and VCU Prepare for Sweet 16 Matchups

Since “Your Daily Bracket” has taken a break to digest the results of last week, it is now back to prepare for the Sweet 16 action. Two Virginia schools remain in the tournament: Richmond and VCU, and both teams face strong matchups in this round.

Richmond will face Kansas tomorrow evening at 7:27 p.m., and this is expected to be clash of David and Goliath style proportions. Kansas is a strong team, and they are led by twin brothers, Marcus and Markieff Morris, who lead the team in scoring and rebounds. It looks to be a good matchup, and Richmond has surprised many with their strong play as well.

VCU will face Florida State tomorrow evening at 9:57 p.m., and this will be a great game. VCU has come a long way from defeating USC in a play-in game and has dominated over strong opponents, such as Georgetown and Purdue. Florida State has been impressive in this tournament with their dominating play. They also have a lot of speed offensively. However, VCU stands a better chance in the Southwest region with their offensive prowess.

No matter what…both of these games provide good entertainment and who knows, it might lead to a matchup between the two Virginia schools in the end.

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