Congratulations to VCU on their Victory!

Last night, Virginia Commonwealth University’s men’s basketball squad proved that they are worthy of making it into the NCAA Tournament by beating the USC Trojans, 59-46. They will face Georgetown this Friday in Chicago. The Rams were led by Jamie Skeen, who scored 16 points, but it was a team effort to take down the Trojans, who played aggressively. It was a close game, but VCU held an edge over the Trojans with rebounds. They will now join George Mason, Old Dominion, and Richmond in the quest for the NCAA National Championship.

Since March Madness is commencing, it is not too late to join the Bearing Drift Bracket Challenge. If you win, you will not only have bragging rights on Bearing Drift, but you will also win something from our store. Join today and the password is vpod

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