Lawsuit contends Happy Meals are for kids

Another reason why California should be declared a no-brain zone.

Some lame dolt and an organization of lame dolts are suing McDonald’s because…I can’t believe I’m typing this….Happy Meals are marketed to kids.

I’m not kidding.

Someone filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s because they market Happy Meals to kids. See, Happy Meals include a small toy.

“What kids see as a fun toy, I now realize is a sophisticated, high-tech marketing scheme that’s designed to put McDonald’s between me and my daughters,” said Monet Parham, of Sacramento, Calif. “For the sake of other parents and their children, I want McDonald’s to stop interfering with my family.”

Monet? First of all, there should be a law against anyone being named Monet filing a lawsuit about anything.

I’m a parent, Monet. Stop interfering with MY family!

Apparently, Money works for the government of California and she is joined by the fringe wackos at the Center for Science in the Public Interest who says “Every time McDonald’s markets a Happy Meal directly to a young child, it exploits a child’s developmental vulnerability.”

How about every time a wacko fringe group exploits children to advance their leftist agenda?

Maybe I’ll sue them.

Their other great ideas, from their website, include a soda tax, government-imposed limits on salt, and of course, the “everyone should be a vegetarian” nonsense one often finds in these groups.

Why did I know that raising a tax would be somewhere in there?

But, no, these geniuses think that in a world of war, recession, joblessness, homelessness, deficits and debt, the most important thing to do is file a lawsuit over whether Ronald McDonald can advertise Happy Meals to kids.

What’s next? Ice cream? Candy?

People like Monet don’t need to be working for government. Anyone with such a fixation on running people’s lives to the extent that she would file a lawsuit over Happy Meals is more than a few French Fries short.

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