Virginia Senate Democrats launch hateful attack

Virginia Senate Democrats have crossed the line. We at Bearing Drift feel a certain amount of sympathy, and hope they can get professional counseling before the General Assembly session starts so we can have a certain amount of decorum in Richmond.

The least they can do is apologize.

Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple (born in Obama’s Illinois), whose greatest political accomplishment thus far is giving Washington Capitals fans their own license plate, launched her hatefilled diatribe by letter, linked here at the Democratic journal of record, the Washington Post.

Some choice Whipple quotes, mostly about the citizen-formed Tea Parties:

“pushing their radical agenda into our state.”

“see unemployed Virginians as the enemy”

“seek to change the very fabric of our state’s government.”

“We must not allow them to bring their “revolution” to Virginia.”

“the Democratic Senate remaining as the last bastion of sanity in Virginia’s state government”

So, everyone else is insane? Democrats call the Governor insane? The members of the House are insane?

Amazing! A Virginia Senator resorting to hateful namecalling.

Radical agenda? What would you call your anti-Second amendment, pro-tax agenda?

And as far as the unemployed, it is the Democrats who seem to only like unemployed people as long as they stay unemployed.

Once they are employed again, you want to hit them with higher taxes.

We Republicans want them to have jobs again.

The unemployed aren’t the enemy. YOU ARE!

Hey, Whipple. If your party nominated a decent candidate, maybe there wouldn’t have been twice as many unemployed people as there was when he took office.

Maybe if your party was more interested in creating jobs for people than writing measly, insufficient unemployment checks, we’d be on our way to economic recovery instead of where we are stuck now.

When you send your public apology to the Governor and the rest of your fellow legislators for your thoughtless and hateful remarks, we will print it here.

We’re waiting.

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