Kirwin’s Kommentary

So much has ticked me off lately, I wanted to share it with you in one huge post.

Jon Cash says he was fired as WAVY-TV weatherman because of religious discrimination, so he’s suing and complaining to the EEOC. Talk about “Leave everything and follow me,” eh? Personally, I’m not one for suing an employer who doesn’t want me around, but that’s the government we have, folks. Imagine if Sam Adams forgot about that Tea Party idea and just called a lawyer. Doubt we’d be free.

When are we going to put an end to smearing women in politics. I’m sick of how the media attacks Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell, and yes, even Krystal Ball, with a level of vitriol that they’d never launch at one of the boys. Double standards a plenty. I’ll tell ya, if the media reported what some of the guys in this game do the way they focus on these ladies, you’d have to increase the rating on the nightly news.

But the boys on the beat cover for the boys on the street. Always been that way, and it still is for the most part.

I even heard a radio talk show host complain about female politicians because they don’t wear dresses. “Look feminine,” he begged. Poor man.

Speaking of poor men, what a different Glenn Nye we have this year. Two years ago, Glenn Nye was everywhere. Neighborhoods, business meetings, civic events. I felt like if I flattened my tire, when I got out of the car, Glenn Nye would likely be at the side of my car with a jack.

Now he’s half-asleep at debates mumbling half-answers about everything in the country people don’t like, and claiming it’s not his fault because he’s too irrelevant in Congress to be responsible for any of it.

Great platform!

And Kenny Golden keeps charging on. Of course, he ignores his quote that it would be “stupid” for him to stay in the race if he didn’t have more than 10% in the polls, which he doesn’t. He believes he’s polling better in double-secret imaginary polling done by the same guy who was on the grassy knoll in 1963. It’s just the polls that have actually been done by actual polling companies that show Kenny Golden well below his self-imposed 10% dropout target.

Kenny, you’re sounding like the politicians you keep saying you aren’t like. You sound like those Congressmen with 30 years seniority who say they favor term limits.

Scott Rigell’s gonna win this thing, and it’s a shame that it has to be against one guy who doesn’t say what he believes and another guy who doesn’t believe what he says.

And Light Rail….

Yes, folks. Light Rail costs money. So do libraries. So do schools. So does the military.

Most of what government does doesn’t pay for itself. If it did, no one would pay taxes. In fact, if it did pay for itself, government shouldn’t be doing it (ABC, for example).

And speaking of ABC, any Republican who whines about making ABC privatization “revenue neutral” needs a refresher course in why they are Republican. We’re not electing you to look out for government. We’re electing you to look out for us.

ABC should be privatized, and I don’t care if the state doesn’t make a dime. Let the people make money. Novel concept, eh?

Light rail? I’m like most people. I don’t care if we get it or we don’t. I may ride it occasionally, but not consistently. Some may. Some may not. I know we will pay.

Light rail will cost taxpayers money. So do roads. So do police and fire. The question should be is it a service we want or not. But the argument that we should eliminate everything government does that doesn’t pay for itself is silly, unless you’d like to see how we’d do without the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines for a while.

And about the drama of the Third Crossing vs. expanding the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, Norfolk Mayor Paul Fraim, clinging perilously onto his city’s last thread of relevance, wants the Third Crossing for the port. Others want the HRBT expanded to relieve traffic congestion.

Here’s my philosophy. If the project’s primary purpose is congestion relief, that’s a state project. If a project is for the ports to send tons of imports all over the country, that’s federal, baby, and like the Monitor Merrimack, it’s Uncle Sam’s responsibility.

Not that it matters, because all of that is just subtext for Democrats to say “we need to raise gas taxes.” You’ll hardly notice it, they say, which is the dumbest comment for an elected official to make.

If you have to point out that we’ll hardly notice it, you’re kind of defeating the point of not noticing. Besides, if someone robbed my bank account but only stole enough that I “hardly noticed,” it still doesn’t make me feel all warm and cozy about being robbed.

Speaking of being robbed…

Hillary says she doesn’t want to be VP. Ya know what? I believe her. I think she wants to primary Obama.

If Chris Christie isn’t the Republican nominee in 2012, I’m going to be bored beyond tears. If I have to sit through debates where Mitt Romney is the smartest and Mike Huckabee is the best speaker again, I may become a Democrat.

Ok, not really.

That was just to make Mike Barrett’s heart skip a beat.

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