Republicans Rigell, Hurt and Fimian leading; Griffith within striking distance in latest poll

ccAdvertising completed polling Monday to voters in Virginia’s 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th Congressional Districts:

Republican Democrat Undecided
2nd Rigell: 48.6% Nye: 34.5% 16.9%
5th Hurt: 51.1% Perriello: 34.7% 14.1%
9th Griffith: 39.7% Boucher: 42.6% 17.6%
11th Fimian: 42.2% Connolly: 36.7% 21.1%

Additionally, the Rigell campaign released two polls stating that the Republican was leading the incumbent by 7 and 5 points respectively. A Public Opinion Strategies poll has Rigell up 42-35% over Nye, with Golden polling at 5%. Ayers McHenry and Associates has Rigell up 45-40.

(h/t: Virginia Virtucon)

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