Cantor: President Obama just doesn’t get it

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor defeneded Minority Leader John Boehner’s common-sense economic proposals today to keep government spending at the 2008 level and not raise taxes. However, even though Cantor asked Democratic colleagues in Congress (Boucher, Nye, Perriello, Connolly, etc.) to support the proposal, they’re likely to ignore it in their quest for more government spending as “stimulus” – and claim the GOP is out of ideas.

“President Obama just doesn’t get it – our government simply cannot keep spending money that it doesn’t have, and it certainly cannot threaten small business people and job creators with massive tax hikes if the goal is to get people back to work. Today Leader Boehner challenged the President to support two simple measures that many in the House, Republicans and Democrats, could embrace—cutting government spending and preventing massive tax hikes on all Americans. Job creators, small business owners, and investors don’t know which burdensome tax hike, regulation or mandate will come next, and therefore are reluctant to hire new employees, assume risk and make investments—all crucial components of any economic recovery. Americans need a signal that their government finally gets it – stopping the reckless spending and removing the threat of massive tax hikes is a great way to start.

“The White House continues to blindly throw darts at the board and hope for a bullseye. That is not the kind of economic leadership required to overcome the serious challenges facing our country. There is a better way. For the last 18 months, Republicans have focused on cutting spending and creating jobs by offering better alternatives than the Democrat majority that specifically address the economic uncertainties facing our country. Washington has a spending problem, and the policies of the Obama Administration and the Pelosi/Reid Congress have caused the size and reach of the government to explode. Every member of the House should embrace this simple, common-sense proposal that will signal that the government is finally ready to start getting its fiscal house in order.”

Will Virginia’s Congressional Democrats support this rational approach to governance in the face of a $13+ trillion debt? I’m not holding my breath.

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