New Orleans – worse under Obama

President Barack Obama toured New Orleans this weekend (I guess Martha’s Vineyard was booked) and touted the “resilience” of New Orleans.

What Obama could’ve said was this:

“Unemployment here is only 8.2 percent! This is a freakin’ boom! The rest of the nation has 9.5 percent unemployment.”

or maybe he could’ve said

“Sorry I screwed everything up. New Orleans was a hotbed when I became President with unemployment only at 7.4 percent. But as much as I’ve screwed up the rest of the country, I’ve pretty much left you alone.”

or maybe even this

“Someone told me about some oil spill while I was on vacation. How’d that turn out?”

Actually what he really said was:

“We’re going to keep on working, all right?”

At least those who still have jobs will, Mr. President. At least those who still have jobs will.

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