Because Prohibition worked so well the last time

How does that joke go? “Jews don’t recognize the Messiah. Protestants don’t recognize the Pope. And Baptists don’t recognize each other in the liquor store.”

Of all the arguments posed against Governor McDonnell’s plan to privatize the ABC stores, it seems that Jack Knapp and the Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptists think it’s all a matter of control.

“”You can’t have control if you privatize,” says Knapp. [Faith groups attack McDonnell’s liquor store plan, Richmond Times Dispatch]

Can’t have control? Of course you can. It’s not like the proposal will do away with the regulations controlling the manufacturing and distribution of distilled spirits.

I understand that Knapp and his Assembly disapprove of alcohol altogether. But I don’t get the logic behind saying that privatizing the sales will lead to more consumption. It’s just not a logical argument.

Alcohol will continue to be regulated, just like the milk in Knapp’s Ovaltine.

Opponents of the sale of the ABC stores have largely focused on the loss of revenue to the state. That’s a far better argument than the “loss of control.”

But the fact is the state simply should not be in the liquor business.

See also: “Baptists and Bootleggers”

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