Checking in with the Neighbors: West Virginia’s Manchin under investigation?

Governor Joe Manchin’s candidacy was born in a little state right next to Virginia.

But now it seems that Manchin, the would be Senate heir to the recently departed Robert Byrd, may be under investigation.

Manchin’s Office Confirms Subpoenas
West Virginia Watchdog

Gov. Joe Manchin‘s office confirmed today that state government officials have been contacted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office this week regarding an ongoing investigation. The target may be Manchin himself, according to a source who asked to remain anonymous.

Manchin’s office says he’s not the target of the investigation.

In a year where Republicans lead the generic ballot and may very well take back both Houses of Congress, Joe Manchin was the sure thing to save the seat long held by Byrd.

But could this be enough to turn voters off?

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