Jim Moran: The Economy Has Recovered

Seriously Congressman Moran?

“In the last six months, more jobs were created than Bush was able to generate in eight years,” Moran said on MSNBC’s Hardball. “People don’t understand that. The economy has recovered.”
The Hill

Unemployment is at 9.3 % and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke predicted this week that unemployment will remain high for years and said that “a lot of people are going to be under financial stress.” [NY Times]

Jim Moran says the economy has recovered but “Data released by the Department of Labor estimates that nearly two million Americans will be without a job by July 10, 2010.” [Source]

If this is recovery, God help us if the economy ever “really” fails.

Remember back in 2008 all the grief given to John McCain for saying “the fundamentals of our economy are strong?” Then of course, he threw that out the window, suspended his campaign and went back to DC to help “fix” the economy.

But seriously, even if you believe the White House spin on “jobs created,” how can you possibly claim the “economy has recovered?”

Perhaps Moran is just looking close to home where unemployment rates in Alexandria and Arlington are indeed below 5%. Of course, the largest employer in those two localities?

That’s right, the federal government.

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