Tipper’s cooling was Al’s warming

Friends swore that there was no affair. “They just grew apart”

“Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are telling friends they “grew apart” after 40 years of marriage and there was no affair involved.

“According to two long-time close associates and family friends, the Gores say they are separating amicably.” (HP)

Not so fast! Seems Al went a little Hollywood with Laurie David, his Producer on An Inconvenient Truth.

“Al Gore was having a two-year affair with Laurie David, the environmental-activist ex-wife of Curb Your Enthusiasm star and Seinfeld co-creator Larry David. The ex–Mrs. David split with Larry in 2007 amid reports she was having an affair with the gardener of their Martha’s Vineyard summer home.

‘Al and Laurie went from friends to lovers,’ a source told Star. ‘It couldn’t be avoided.’

Is that what an environmental activist is? Someone who sleeps with the gardener, and then Al Gore?

Looks like Tipper found out the only Inconvenient Truth that really existed.

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