Is Rigell getting nervous? A personal $75K donation looks like it

The Federal Elections Commission reports today that Scott Rigell has dumped $75K into his campaign in a last second infusion of cash for a campaign he’s already personally invested over a half-million dollars.

Rigell is also claiming a campaign “apologized” to him for this weekend’s campaign mailers. Bert Mizusawa seems to think Rigell is talking about him. Mizusawa told BD that he never apologized, but stated that he was giving Rigell a warning that the mailers were on the way. He thought it was the responsible thing to do.

So, perhaps Rigell is trying to deflect from ads that might be making a difference like this one?

or maybe this one by Ben Loyola?

In a press release today, Jason Miyares, campaign manager for Rigell said of the ads:

With “politics as usual,” in the last days of a campaign, candidates who are behind in the polls often set principle aside and resort to distortions in an effort to trick voters. Unfortunately, that is exactly what is taking place in this race. The attacks on Scott Rigell, a lifelong conservative Republican, a man who walked door-to-door with Bob McDonnell in his very first race for the House of Delegates, a man who with his wife, Teri, has donated well over $400,000 to defeat the Liberal Agenda, are designed to trick voters into believing Scott Rigell is a liberal.

It appears that Rigell is going to spend at least $75K to make sure voters are reassured of his conservative credentials.

Our commenters have requested we re-post Rigell’s response ad which we posted on Friday. So, here ya go..

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