Republican Candidate Drops out of VA-03; Two Left for Rep. Bobby Scott Sacrifice

I posted here about the state of the 3rd District, choosing my words very carefully. No longer.

Today, Coby Dillard announced he was dropping his bid for the Republican nomination in the 3rd District. While this wasn’t an unexpected development (as I mentioned before, Coby had yet to attend any City Committee meeting that I was aware of) it leaves the district in the unwelcome position of choosing between the remaining candidates.

Here’s my original post on the remaining candidates:

John Tignor (

Tignor is new to politics, owner of a small business living in Norfolk. He has had a presence at the 3rd District meeting in January, as well as appearances in at least Norfolk and Portsmouth. Generally keeps his remarks short and sweet.

Bill Hutchens (

Hutchens is also new to politics, he’s a doctor at EVMS, living in Norfolk having moved here in 2002. Healthcare was his primary driver to run. Has been diligent in attending as many meeting as possible throughout the district. My opinion, as of now is the ‘front-runner’ (I use that term quite loosely)

Here’s the actual situation, unfortunately.

John Tignor

While meaning well, struggles in his comprehension of constitutionality, had no knowledge of the health care bill or the possibility of the carriers leaving the area. The story I always refer to when speaking of Tignor is as follows:

Tignor: I used to smoke, but when I did, I hated having to drive to North Carolina to buy cheap cigarettes. I think they should be the same price everywhere.

Follow-up question – How do you feel about the emission standards in California being applied across the country?

Tignor: What’s good for California should stay in California, we don’t need their rules here.

That was just one exchange of many.

Bill Hutchens

Intelligent individual, a doctor at EVMS, but struggles to keep things short, put items in layman’s terms. Speaks on one question for three to four minutes. Has no ties to the area, with little fundraising hopes and does not know if he’ll be able to raise money. When spoke to me originally told me he wanted to make the focus of his campaign ‘social issues, where I stand on abortion, etc’

It’s commendable when someone steps forward and says I want to serve my country and represent my district. But let’s be real; the 3rd District is custom-tailored to Bobby Scott, and will remain that way in 2011 after redistricting. If you’re my friend on facebook, you’ll have seen my message today that I’m actually half serious about running for the nomination so I can step down after winning and prevent the district and the Republican Party any embarrassment. Yeesh.

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