Cuccinelli, Verga, Hurt Repudiate Violent Protests

In light of what may or may not have started with a 5th District Nut Job posting Congressman Tom Perriello’s ‘home’ (his brother’s) address on his blog, there has been a wave of anti-health care and pro-health care violence or threats against individuals voting for the health care bill passed this weekend.

Today, 5th District candidates Lawrence Verga and State Sen. Robert Hurt both renounced the acts, including the specific act against Tom Perriello’s brother’s home.


“Disagreements over policy should never be resolved by violence but through civil discussion and elections,” Verga said in a statement.


I condemn the vandalism that occurred at Rep. Perriello’s brother’s home and any other attacks that have taken place across the country.

Additionally, left wing media’s newest darling Ken Cuccinelli issued a press release reminding voters that:

“In our system of constitutional government, we have civil, non-violent ways to express our disagreements with our elected officials, including speaking up in public and at the ballot box. Threats and intimidation are not part of our political system and are not to be tolerated.

“We will do everything we can to assist in bringing the perpetrator to justice. We have contacted the local Commonwealth’s Attorney and the Virginia State Police and offered our assistance.”

I emailed the author of the original blog posting with Perriello’s address, asking for a comment in light of this article. His response:

“I’ll keep you posted.”

Given the sheer stupidity of his original post (not to mention emailing me with a line by line breakdown of the original Politico article pointing out to me where Politico was wrong) I would have stuck with a no comment or similar thought as well.

Safe to say, things have been a bit heated across the country over this. While passion and vigor are great, common sense must reign supreme. We all need to calm down and take heart in the fact on November 2nd we’ll boot them all out.

Updated 11:41 PM
Ken Boyd:

If the individual responsible for this mindless act believes for a second they are helping us stop the health care debacle, they are sadly mistaken. We will continue to fight to stop this government takeover through all political and legal means, but a physical threat to an elected official or their family is completely unacceptable.

Feda Morton:

Violence in politics is never acceptable. The campaign is all for protesting Perriello’s bad votes, but please be smart in how you do it. It’s particularly shameful from our side. Protest in DC or at his local offices, but don’t cross the line.

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