So, when has Cuccinelli been wrong on the *law*?

The last three weeks have been amusing as liberals have attacked Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli over his legal justifications on “sexual orientation” as a protected class and defending Virginia’s sovereignty against federal overstretch in the regulation of commerce.

So, this leads me to ask one question – under the law, where has Cuccinelli been wrong? Simple answer: He hasn’t.

Let’s go back to last year.

He was right on calling a special session to deal with the forensics loophole despite liberals (and his opponent) wailing that it was a “gimmick”. Kaine called the special session. Cuccinelli’s legislation was passed. Loophole closed.

He was right in his opinion that only the legislature can create a special protected class despite the left wailing that following the law is some discrimination. How can anyone discriminate under the “equal protection” clause? How can the governor change the Virginia Human Rights Act by executive order? That’s right – he can’t! Only the legislature can. And, guess what, the legislature failed to pass legislation. Governor McDonnell issued an executive declaration stating Virginia’s adherence to the Equal Protection clause. Universities and the state will not discriminate against Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals. Business as usual.

And, he is right on the fact that Virginia has the right to defend it’s sovereignty against the supremacy of the federal government in mandating commerce. Healthcare Freedom was passed FOUR TIMES in Virginia (three senate bills and one house bill), including, four times, by the Democratic Senate. Virginia has every right – and the Virginia Attorney General has the responsibility – to uphold this law.

What’s most galling about this last point is someone I normally respect, Del. David Englin, is trying to thwart this effort.

Englin, who has broken with his colleagues’ view because the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act was passed bipartisanly, has the nerve to say that Attorney General Cuccinelli should not uphold this statute, even though the law is now on the Virginia books. His argument is because it will cost Virginia money.

Now, Englin is trying to flood the AG’s office with phone calls, further wasting taxpayer money, under the pretense that this is being done to save taxpayer money?

Gotta love liberals. They’ve got chutzpah.

Repeat a lie enough times, and people will believe it, right?

Well…here’s your opportunity to support Attorney General Cuccinelli and his latest efforts.

He has started a petition that you can sign to “Stop the Mandate and Support Liberty!”

Sign the petition now!

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