It’s not about the sunshine: Liberal rhetoric dismisses substantive debate

I’ve been amused to read in several places today those who support the federal takeover of 1/6 of our national economy saying that the “sun will still come up tomorrow”.

They’re absolutely right. But for a list of other things that will happen because of passage of this bill, I think Brian S over at Too Conservative has a great list.

In addition, the sun also will come up tomorrow over Communist China, Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan, and North Korea. Additionally, in the past, the celestial phenomenon was also observed over the Third Reich, the USSR, Hussein’s Iraq, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia and Ceausescu’s Romania.

And, believe it or not, on this anniversary of the Stamp Act, it also managed to happen daily here in the good ol’ colonial empire under King George III.

Bottom-line – the sun will come up tomorrow, but it may not come up on the same country our Founders and ancestors fought and sacrificed for. Therefore, the dismissive, arrogant, irrelevant and diminishing comments of some on the left regarding the nature of conservative concerns and protest dishonors the memory of that sacrifice and discredits the true gravity of this discussion.

Benjamin Franklin said on the signing of the Declaration of Independence: “I have,” said he, “often and often in the course of the Session, and the vicissitudes of my hopes and fears as to its issue, looked at that behind the President without being able to tell whether [the painted sun] was rising or setting: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun.”

I wonder what he would say today.

And, while we’re on the subject of rhetoric, this notion that somehow if you are against a proposal you are automatically against the outcome is ridiculous.

In other words, the comment that “millions will be added to healthcare”, but if you oppose the current healthcare reforms, you’re somehow against adding millions access to healthcare is ludicrous.

As the old axiom goes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Unfortunately, in this last go-around, the left has chosen to ignore alternative solutions, expand government, create more debt, and reduce freedom instead of choosing commonsense reforms to limit government, break-up monopolies, create more opportunity and choice, and encourage personal liberty.

If only there was some transparent “sunshine” on this whole process, we might have a better bill on our hands. Instead, dark clouds are on the horizon.

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