Democrats: Summer School and Car Taxes

Are Virginia Democrats stupid, or are they trying to hand Republicans back the Virginia Senate?

They’re currently fighting in the Senate to let school start before Labor Day, because of course a few extra days in summer will translate into Massive Increases in test scores the following Spring.

Democrats can’t remember in February promises they made in November elections, but classes before Labor Day are supposed to help SOLs in the Spring?

Nevermind that local schools around here kept closing schools even though 99% of the snow and ice melted. Guess those test scores are headed for the basement.

And now Dems are whispering hints to more than triple everybody’s car taxes by eliminating the 70% car tax cut.

I know when Democrats talk to each other, and they talk to people paid by Government, the car tax is fodder for debate. I can’t tell you how many political roundtables I’ve been on where everyone but me decided the car tax cut was horrible, rotten and destructive.

Voters loved the car tax cut so much, they voted for Jim Gilmore. Think about that for a moment.

Pop a poll right now asking “Democrats want to increase your car tax over 300%. Off which cliff would you like to throw the nearest Democrat?”

Answer A) the nearest one!

Hey, maybe the two are connected. Higher taxes, more school days, less summer. Business gets hurt, but government workers work longer, taxes get higher.

The funny part is when Democrats say they’re suddenly interested in test scores. Funny how they aren’t about to allow any teachers get fired whose students have low test scores, but when it comes to shortening summertime for schools, magically they have a healthy interest in test scores.

Democrats slogan for 2011 – Summer School and Car Taxes.

I can’t wait!

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