Hoyer admits Dems have not been successful at creating jobs

And then there’s this exchange between Republican Whip Eric Cantor and the majority leader about removing uncertainty from small businesses regarding the death tax, cap and trade, among others:

Regardless of who is to blame or not to blame, the mere fact that national Democrats are contemplating higher taxes is a no win situation in this time of economic trial. This past week, state Democrats in Richmond realized that an across-the-board 1% income tax increase, as proposed by former Governor now full-time DNC Chair Tim Kaine, was a bad idea. Clearly the former governor had already been corrupted by dysfunctional DC polices when he made this proposal.

Statewide Democrats seem to understand that doing what’s in the best interest of the people is the proper way to govern…why is it that national Democrats are so deaf and blind to doing what’s right for the country?

Have the Pelosi-led Democrats in Congress, such as Perriello, Nye, Boucher and Connolly, become so jaded that they no longer understand that people in Virginia are hurting and we need them to take action now?

6.1 million jobs have been lost in our country since this recession began – so what is Congress going to do about it? What will be their fiscal policy that will help create the conditions that will be necessary to bring these jobs back? When will they quit wasting time during this economic crisis on distracters like health care, cap-and-trade, et al?

Oh…let’s also not forget after 2010 there will be a huge tax increase when the tax cuts of 2001 are allowed to expire. Glad that there’s been debate on that.

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