Moran has two challengers: Ellmore and Berry

Mark Ellmore, who was the Republican nominee against Rep. Jim Moran (DDD-8) last cycle, has entered the race for the Republican nomination against, joining first-time candidate Matthew Berry.

Berry, who formally declared on Jan. 14, had this to say about Jim Moran:

Congressman Jim Moran has abused the public trust. He has consistently secured earmarks that benefit his campaign contributors. He has taken a personal loan from a drug company lobbyist, and shortly thereafter sponsored legislation to benefit that drug company. And he has not behaved in a manner worthy of the office he holds. Whether he is blaming American Jews for the war in Iraq or accusing American troops of engaging in ethnic cleansing, he has embarrassed the residents of the 8th District too many times. We can do far better.

Over the last two months, I have been very encouraged by the response that our exploratory effort has received throughout the 8th District. Despite only getting started in mid-November, we ended 2009 with more cash on hand than any Republican challenger to Jim Moran has ever had at this point in the election cycle. I have heard from many Republicans, Independents, and Democrats who share my belief that we must restore fiscal responsibility to Washington and elect a Congressman that you can be proud of.

And, Ellmore:

“We can no longer stand by and watch as Jim Moran and others pursue an agenda that puts us all in jeopardy for years to come. His support of government run healthcare, small business destroying Card-Check legislation, Cap and Trade energy policies that threaten to raise taxes and increase energy costs, as well as his desire to have terrorists brought to Alexandria from Cuba simply put him out of touch with voters.”

Moran has served in Congress for nearly twenty years.

This makes a competitive GOP primary in the 2nd (6 candidates), 5th (7 candidates), 8th (Berry and Ellmore), and 11th (Fimian and Herrity) districts. And, depending on what Coby Dillard and Morgan Griffith decide, there are likely GOP candidates in the 3rd and 9th.

Clearly seizing on Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts last night, Republicans see 2010 as a year of potential – even in the liberal eighth.

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