Virginia Beach City Government: Trash tax?

People pay local taxes for certain simple things: Schools, law enforcement, emergency services…

And picking up the trash.

I hit the ceiling when I read that some city staff are exploring charging extra for trash pickup! Are they kidding?

“budget officials discussed how the trash fee could “buy back” eliminated positions.” (Pilot)

City staff is trying to find ways to pay for things they’re already paying for to save staff jobs????

The average cost of a city employee, including benefits, is $65,112. (Pilot)

Look, I love Virginia Beach. I live here for many good reasons. But who in their right minds thinks people want to chip in an extra 8 bucks a month so people making much more than the per capita income can keep cashing the checks?

I read about Boulder, Colorado who “temporarily” imposed a trash tax. “Staff is recommending that the energy portion of the Trash Tax increase be sunset after 2 years” (City of Boulder)

Yeah, and guess what happened. After 2 years, they rolled it into a Carbon Energy tax where you pay local taxes on electricity in your home. Temporary?

Meanwhile, let’s read question #21 on the application for appointment to VB City Council to finish Del.-elect Ron Villanueva’s term.

21. There has been some debate about the best location for the City’s new Convention Center headquarters hotel. Describe your thoughts concerning the location and any other ideas you may have.

Yeah, I have an idea. Pick up my trash.

Meanwhile, HRT’s light rail project is going to be late and over budget, and where did local elected officials learn that? The Newspaper!

City Council elections are in 2010, folks. The fact is that the actions of appointed folks are going to be on the minds of voters when they determine who stays on City Council and who goes.

Government has less money because you and I have less money. Coming to us for more doesn’t solve the problem.

And charging people an extra 8 bucks a month for something that is the main reason I pay taxes in the first place isn’t the answer.

What’s next? A law enforcement surcharge? Live in a bad neighborhood, and get an extra bill in the mail? A school surcharge? The city can send a bill home with every student with a surcharge for actually sending a kid to school.

That’s how crazy it sounds. Here’s the weird part: I wouldn’t be surprised if some city department hasn’t discussed doing those insane things.

Citizens are reasonable. Everyone will surely understand if certain city services are temporarily trimmed while we weather the economic storm. But charging surcharges for basic city services can not be part of the equation.

Сейчас уже никто не берёт классический кредит, приходя в отделение банка. Это уже в далёком прошлом. Одним из главных достижений прогресса является возможность получать кредиты онлайн, что очень удобно и практично, а также выгодно кредиторам, так как теперь они могут ссудить деньги даже тем, у кого рядом нет филиала их организации, но есть интернет. - это один из сайтов, где заёмщики могут заполнить заявку на получение кредита или микрозайма онлайн. Посетите его и оцените удобство взаимодействия с банками и мфо через сеть.