DPVA struggling to find a message

Democrats in Virginia are struggling. They have no real policy that they can talk about, so they’ve resorted to coming up with made up controversies and issues. Today is a perfect example of it.

First, they try to make a stink about the Whitman cancellation.

Virginia Politics from WaPo reported this was much ado about nothing as it was merely a scheduling conflict that the participants tried to work out over ten days ago. But here’s DPVA trotting out a press release trying to somehow tie this to the “thesis” again.

Second, they throw out a statement saying McDonnell is attempting to “mislead” Virginia about his transportation plan. They claim, again, that it will use General Fund money at the expense of eduction.

Of course, what they don’t tell you is the McDonnell plan uses new revenues…and that Creigh Deeds has 34 such General Fund proposals and no new revenues.

So, how will Creigh fund his programs? It’s either a tax increase or spending cuts…could it be cuts to education?

It’s a shame the DPVA has started resorting to lies and half-truths. They used to be a fun organization to work with.

But then again, if you have a candidate that can’t stop stammering on issues, I suppose it would be difficult to come up with anything worthwhile to say.

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